Digital Smile Designing
Case of 6 Emax Ceramic Veneers
Happy Patient
Keep Smiling

10 Year old Composite Veneer survived without any maintance.
40 Year Old patient Looking for more youthfull appearance.

- old composite removed under microscope surprised to see huge gaps under those composite.
- Veneer preps done..
- Note the finish line of ceramic veneer in gaps cases
- Double Cod technique for impression makingtemporisation.

- Convery to your technician the age of patient always!!(One of the factors for determining Color, Texture, Translucency is age)
- Giving Color map makes technician job simpler.
- Patient would always want ultra white..Keep patient chioce in mind but your knowledge, experience in front.
- With Fine wrinkles lip thinning, facial ageing – ultra white and high translucency would give fake look.

Follow Manufacturer instruction for cementing.
Make sure to remove all extra cement ..My Blade no 12.

Happy Patient.