There are many problems in teeth that may make you think , can I have my old natural teeth to chew food and look natural . See if you come in any of the questions below you will get the answer for the life time solution of your missing teeth.
- Are you wearing dentures and it hurts and you are not happy with them , You need some fixed teeth ?
- Any Trauma that fractured some of your teeth .
Is there any permanent solution for the above problem that looks natural , painless , and least invasive and Atraumatic , and most important a long term solution ?

DENTURES are one of the old solutions that is removable and is also the treatment that does not suits and makes everyone happy . As they are mobile , they resorbs the bone below and gets loose very frequently , causes gagging , smells bad after some time , as have pores that imbibe bacteria .
The latest and most predictable solution for the missing teeth is dental Implants . Full mouth dental Implants have evolved as the best solution for the long term and most natural looking and function treatment modality in recent times .

Dental Implant are made of titanium are totally safe and biocompatible with the body . They are placed in bone just like your natural tooth root . Over this titanium Implant fixed set of ceramic teeth are fixed that are both functionally and aesthetically similar to the natural tooth
Q1. How many Dental implant do I need for a fixed set of teeth?
A1. There are many treatment types with dental implants depending on the bone amount and quality and the age of the patient .
Generally in each jaw minimum 4 implants are needed known as ALL ON 4 Concept (Hybrid denture ) . But for Bridges like solution on dental implants 6-8 Implants can be needed in each jaw.
Q2. How much time will it take for the whole procedure ?
A2. With the Invent of the latest and modern dental implants it takes 2 months for the whole procedure to get completed if it is done without bone grafting .
During this period also a fixed set of teeth are given for functional activities to eat . After 2 months this temporary fixed set of teeth is removed and replaced by permanent set of teeth .
EKDANTAM Dental Clinic Jaipur is equipped with A latest technique of Intraoral welding of Implants for the same day fixed teeth on dental implants
Q3. Will I be able to chew like my natural teeth ?
A3.You will be able to eat exactly like your natural teeth without any restrictions in eating . You have to keep them clean like your natural teeth like brushing and mouth rinsing .
Q4. Will it be painful?
A4. the whole procedure of Dental implant now days need just one surgical intervention and that is also painless as everything is done under local anesthesia .Even the Anesthesia are painless as given by WAND and latest needleless technology.
Q5. For how long these teeth will work ?
A 5. Long term success rate of full mouth dental implants is very high and is about 99.8 % . They are long term result ,with the fully natural aesthetics and functionality .
Q6. How much it will cost ?
A6. Cost is a very important question that come on mind . Things that decide the cost of implant treatment is :
Q7. Which company implants to be used ?
A7. Some good company to name are NOBEL , ANKYLOS , STRAUMAN , OSSTEM.
EKDANTAM DENTAL CLINIC IS THE MOST EQUIPPED CLINIC FOR DENTAL IMPLANTS in Jaipur Rajasthan INDIA . It is equipped with modern Dental Implant motors ( Physiodispensors ) , Piezosurgery units for bone grafting , Centrifuge from Quantos for making growth factors , Densah for Osseodensification , Panoramic Digital OPG X-rays , and many other latest techniques and equipments for dental implants .