Third Molar (Wisdom tooth ): What all problems it can cause and Treatment for it
You might have faced or heard about people complaining about the third molar or wisdom teeth. So, does everyone have wisdom teeth or only some people have it and some do not?
Yes, molar or wisdom teeth erupt in every individual during adult age. For some, they become the cause of suffering and some remain less impacted.
Here is all about third molar(wisdom teeth), its causes, symptom, complications, solution and everything in detail.
About Wisdom Teeth:
Third molars are placed at the hind part of the denture structure as permanent teeth erupt at a later age.
They are the upper and lower third molars. The time to erupt these teeth in the mouth in posterior portion is at the age of between 17 years to 25 years.
Although, they can erupt at a later age after 25 as well. Because they occur at the age when the person is mature enough and they are not the baby teeth, these teeth are known as wisdom teeth.Most people have four third molars.
Although, it can be missing in some people like 8% the UK have less than four or no third molar.
Generally, the third molars in the lower part of the skull (Mandibular) are the most impacted one in the starting phase of eruption or in non-functional place of the jaw.
According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), interceptive extraction should be discouraged to avoid interceptive extraction in many cases depending on situation.
So, choosing the right surgeon for the right guidance is also an important step to get success in third molar surgery.
Wisdom Teeth Causes
It is not always the case when wisdom teeth creates problems and pain. They only irritate when they do not have sufficient space to grow or develop normally.
When the third molars get sufficient space and align with second molars, they do not cause any problem.
In different cases, the reason for the third molar impact varies on the alignment with respect to other teeth as well.
If the mouth is not crowded, third molars get the right position without any impact on the other teeth.
Depending on their emerging space, the third molar gets impacted partially or fully.
The patient can face the problems due to the third molar in the following situations:
- Facing the wrong direction
- Come in angled condition
- Cyst formation causing roots or bone further damage
- So crowded place inside the mouth for teeth to clean up properly
- Restricted space in the jaw to develop them
- Not able to emerge through the gums
- Partially able to break through the gums
- Gum infection due to trap food because of narrow space
- Disturbing the second molar
- Grown at the back mouth space
- Lying down to the other teeth
Why Third Molar Surgery is Necessary?
If you are getting correctly positioned wisdom teeth which do not pain or create problems, there is no necessity to get them removed.
Here are the reasons why third molar surgery is necessary:
- If they are causing problems due to the narrow space to grow, it is better to remove them. When these third molars do not get proper treatment, they can interrupt gumline. It is also the fact that it is hard to get all of them cleaned in trapped condition. So, it is better to get proper treatment for those problem creating teeth.
- The third molar (in partial emerging state) can collide the roots of nearby teeth and become the cause of other dental issues.
- Sometimes wisdom teeth do not cause pain but minimal space in the mouth can invite cavities due to an interruption in proper cleaning as of their location.
- If third molar is susceptible to the future problem, it is better to remove them at younger as. As healing is faster at a younger age ad that is why most dentists suggests the early third molar removal.
- When the third molar emerges in jawline (in a sac), a tumour, generally non-cancerous, may develop. In this case, a sac can form a cyst and fill with fluid causing damages to nerves, teeth and jawbone.
Wisdom Teeth Symptoms:
Impacted third molar may show symptoms of problem or may not. Although, you can experience the following symptoms, when your third molars causing problems in the mouth or other teeth due to any of the reasons as mentioned above:
- It is difficult to open mouth properly.
- Your mouth taste is not pleasant like normal.
- People are complaining about your bad breath or you may experience.
- Your jaw is paining.
- The gums are red or swollen.
- You have the bleeding gums.
- The area around jawline is swelling.
Third Molar Extraction Complications
Removing the wisdom teeth through surgery can create trismus, postoperative pain and swelling.
Sometimes complications can be due to smoking, age, poor oral hygiene, oral contraceptives, gender, medical history, type of impaction, surgical time, surgeon experience, and topical antiseptics.
Apart from this, anaesthetic technique, the presence of pericoronitis, and intra-socket medications are also the reasons.
So, it is always advisable to do thorough research about the clinic and surgeon experience before heading for third molar extraction procedure.
Third Molar Extraction Cost
Depending on the number of teeth you are getting operated at the clinic and severeness of the problem, the price can vary accordingly.
If third molar surgery for teeth is needed, it costs around Rs 3,000 to Rs 5,000 averagely in India.
Calculating cost of x-ray and opg, it can cost you nearly Rs 1000 to Rs 1500 over the removal price.
Overall, a tooth will cost you Rs 4,000 to Rs 6,500 on an average.
Wisdom tooth removal price depend on Lower And Upper Wisdom tooth.
What to eat after Wisdom Teeth Removal Day?
After Wisdom teeth removal, you should take a proper and healthy diet to help your immune system to recover the wound fast.
Here are the foods to eat post surgery duration.
- Protein shakes
- Gelato
- Soup
- Hummus
- Pudding
- Smoothies
- Mashed potatoes
- Scrambled Eggs
- Jello
- Applesauce
- Milkshakes
- Yoghurt
- Milk
- Sorbet
Summing it up, there are certain problems associated with wisdom teeth. For more queries, you can visit our Ekdantam Dental clinic at Jaipur location and get better solutions.
The third molar is commonly referred to as the “wisdom tooth” because it appears at a more mature age compared to other teeth, typically when a person is considered to be wiser or more mature. Its development is often associated with the age of gaining wisdom.
Not all individuals develop wisdom teeth. Some people may have one, two, three, or even none at all. The absence of wisdom teeth can be attributed to evolutionary changes, leading to variations in the human jaw size and structure.
Common issues associated with wisdom teeth include impaction, where the tooth does not fully emerge through the gum line, leading to pain, swelling, and potential infection. Crowding and misalignment of neighboring teeth can also occur, leading to discomfort and difficulties in maintaining proper oral hygiene.
The extraction of wisdom teeth is often recommended when they cause pain, infection, damage to surrounding teeth, or alignment issues. Additionally, preventive extraction may be suggested if there is insufficient space in the jaw for the teeth to emerge properly, reducing the risk of future complications.
The procedure for extracting wisdom teeth involves a surgical process that can be performed by a dentist or an oral surgeon. Depending on the complexity of the case, local or general anesthesia may be administered to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure. The tooth is carefully removed, and the surrounding area is thoroughly cleaned and sutured if necessary.
In some cases, if the wisdom tooth is healthy, fully erupted, and does not cause any dental issues or affect the surrounding teeth, it may be possible to keep it. Regular monitoring and proper oral hygiene practices are essential to ensure the continued health and maintenance of the wisdom tooth.